Tuesday 7 August 2007

As a great woman once said...

"It's oh so Quiet! ...it's oh so still."

Yes it is... but WHY?

Well - we like a bit of Bjork in this office y'see...
We think she knows her stuff.

There's nothing quite like a bit of Icelandic warbling to help you concentrate on the day-to-day business of making your mobile life an easier and better place to be...

Because y'know...
...that's what we like to do here at Refresh Mobile.

It's kinda why we've been a bit quiet of late... We've been busying away on a new way to make your mobile life, better.

But how?

Mobizines was our first foray into the mobile space...
Then came Eyemags...

Both of which have done stonkingly well, (and will continue to do so), winning us accolade after accolade...

And now..?

We would like to introduce you to the newest edition to the Refresh Mobile stable.

Welcome to... Mippin beta

Wooo! Cheer! Hurrah!

Isn't it brilliant?!
No? Well it will be when it's live... Honest!

Yes - that's right - Mippin isn't live yet...
Our team of techies have finished defining and are now working on the refining...

NOW we need your help!

As you can see - Mippin is still very much in beta - we need testers to help us iron out all the bugs before we release it to the general public...

So, if you'd like to sign up for our beta - then go for it!

More news soon.
In the meantime - you can find out more about Mippin and what it means over at the new blog!

See you there!

"Zing Boom!"

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